Wednesday 23 October 2013

On The Workbench

Dapol Telescopic Hood Wagon

I've had a couple of these for a while now, but they are still available. They are a pretty good representation of the real thing, all be it that some of the detailing is a little on the 'chunky' side - a problem I've found with a few of the Dapol range. Nevertheless, with a bit of work and detailing they scrub up into a nice addition for the rolling stock on Cradley Bridge.

The most obvious things that stand out for me are the oversize ferry tie-down hooks and particularly thick brake wheel on either side. These were all removed and replaced with more suitable scale brass representations of the real thing. In addition, I also added scale 3 link instanter couplings  - to replace the tension lock ones already fitted - and also added cast brake pipes (Shawplan). The wheels also look a bit over scale but once given a coat of Frame Dirt (Precision Paints) didn't look too bad, so apart from checking the wheel back to back measurement (something I do with all my stock and it really makes a difference to how the model rides the track) everything was left as is.

Here you can see both wagons part way through their rebuild process. Whenever I've seen the real things on the network, they are in a pretty dire state of dirtiness and so this was reflected in the weathering process. My favourite base colour is again Frame Dirt. This is then wiped off with cotton buds soaked in thinner. I then go on to use a variety of weathering powders (MIG) - rusts, greys and black to introduce tones and hints - and basically tweak it till I'm happy and it matches whatever photo I have of the real thing.

The plan is to use these to make up an accurate representation of a typical steel train seen travelling through the West Midlands. As they will be at the rear of the train I also installed a flashing tail light (Express Models) to the rear most wagon. This is switchable from inside the hood covering and works off a 3V battery. So there we have it - hopefully a nice representation of a couple of well worn covered steel wagons.

I apologise for the state of my work bench - I am working on a little cameo scene at the moment so that I can photograph the finished items in a far more attractive environment. For now a white background and a piece of ballasted track is all there is...

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