Saturday 2 November 2013

On The Workbench Today...

Heljan Cargowaggon Bogie Open

I had purchased a couple of these quite a while back, but had never really got round to doing anything with them. Whilst on a recent online shopping session -  at a well known Liverpool model rail retailer (OK it was Hattons) - I noticed that they were now selling these at half the price that I'd previously paid. Never one to miss up a 'bargain' opportunity, I purchased a further 3 units so as to make up a small rake.

The model itself is a pretty good interpretation of the real thing - once the glaringly bright colours are toned down and the overall model is given the 'Cradley Bridge' treatment, it should look far more like the real wagon. I intend to run the wagons in a set of 5 complete with loads - metal rods in this case. In real life they are normally seen on extremely long trains carrying long lengths of CWR (continuously welded rail) however I don't think I'll be able to model one of those trains due simply to the amount of room it would take up!!

First thing to do was to paint the bogies and wheels with my default frame dirt mix and the deck of the wagon was treated with Deck Tan (Tamiya Acrylic) and a wash of dirty black/brown. The sides of each wagon where then also treated to the frame dirt mix (Precision Paints) and then using cotton buds dipped in thinners, the paint was carefully removed in a downward fashion to simulate the dirt and muck these wagons seem to collect. When this was dry the sides were further treated with weathering powders in rust shades (MIG) which enhanced the detail on the sides and on the bogies. 

Just one more to go! By working through them each in succession, the dirt and rust really brought out the detail and helped tone and blend the colours on the wagon down to a far more realistic level and as a small rake of Cargowaggons, they look really good together.

To finish off, each wagon also got fitted with an air-brake pipe and a 3-link instanter coupling at each end. The loads for them are currently being worked on - lengths of spaghetti sprayed with red oxide looks to be about perfect... seriously!! These will be 'tied down' with small straps made from coloured insulation tape.

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