Thursday 6 November 2014

On The Workbench Today...

Going Retro contd.,

A quick update on one of my more recent projects - The Bachmann Bogie Bolsters continue to go thru the workshop, although progress has been hampered a little by another urgent project, work and a house move!! Still I'd rather take my time and do a decent job rather than rush it through just for the sake of saying its done. All the transfers have been applied and really make a difference to the look and feel of the model. 

Now that they have had time to dry out the next stage will be to seal them with another coat of Johnson's Klear before starting to weather the main bodies. Once this is done I will move on to the decks of the bolsters themselves which should hopefully bring out the detail on them and really lift them to the next level.

I've also been working a little more on the loads for them - the girders/rail will be finished in a quite rusty and untreated way and once attached will be finished off with fine scale chain and shackles securing them on to the wagons.

Fingers crossed that when finished this little rake will look great as a local heritage freight working. I've also found an old BR brake van that I'm going to repaint/renumber which should finish these off a treat - just have to decide what loco will haul the train - Answers and ideas gratefully received!! So, short and sweet this posting, but hopefully once all the above is finished (I'm thinking end of next week sometime) I'll post up the results and start the next project which will be on far more up-to-date stock.

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